What are the top 5 dog food ingredients you should look for for your dogs? These can be confusing at times (which is often the goal, depending on the manufacturer), but we’ve tried to be as plain and clear as possible!
Top 5 Dog food ingredients you should look for your dogs:
1.Animal Meat
Dogs, and the Grey wolves before them, are considered to be obligate carnivores. This means they will get most of their nutrients from animal meat. To be more exact, dogs need certain essential amino acids (amino acids build proteins) in their diets, found more often in animal meat than plant sources.
Essential amino acids are amino acids an animal needs to get from his or her diet. The animal’s body can’t produce these naturally, unlike other amino acids. Organ meats are especially valuable nutrient sources, but some type of animal meat in general should be your main goal.
Each of a dog’s main senses evolved to augment hunting and tracking skills, not plant foraging abilities. Their teeth are designed to rip and tear at flesh, not grind vegetables.
If you can, look for ‘de-boned’ ingredients. Bones can be difficult on digestion, even when grinded to a pulp.
Many fishes also offer valuable nutrients! Fish oils offer valuable omega fatty acids. Seafood in general is a wonderful source of protein, while being low in fat.

2. Some Type of Meat Meal
Meals are actually dehydrated sources of meat with the animal fat removed. So, essentially, there is more ‘meat’ and less moisture or fat. This means you’ll get a highly concentrated source of protein!
When it comes to protein, meat ‘meals’ are more valuable than meats alone. For example, ‘Chicken meal’, ‘Turkey meal’ or ‘Beef meal’ are great! Look for something specific, like chicken, beef or turkey, and not simply ‘meat’.
3. Vegetables and Grains
Yes, you read correctly! At one time (and even today) manufacturers would fill their dog foods with mostly grain ‘filler’ because it is cheaply grown and would allow them to cut costs. This amounted to too many carbohydrates, not enough protein, and ultimately obese dogs.
Then many large manufacturers would start advertising ‘grain free’ foods, claiming this was better. It was later discovered that dogs on a grain-free diet were at higher risk for cardiomyopathy (heart disorders).
- Dogs, and wolves before them, are classified as obligate carnivores. They will still eat plant products. Ideally, you don’t want grains or vegetables among your top 2-3 ingredients, but you don’t want to avoid them entirely. Your dog would be missing out on valuable nutrients!
4. Fruits
Like grains and other vegetables, fruits aren’t simply ‘filler ingredients’ if added responsibly. There is valuable nutrition to be had here! Things like apples, bananas, blueberries, pumpkins and other vegetables are great if used correctly!
5 Dog food ingredients you should look fo your dogs:

5. Eggs
Believe it or not, eggs are fantastic sources of nutrition for your Canine buddy! Eggs aren’t just high in protein but contain plenty of potassium, vitamins and fatty acids that will go a long way toward satisfying your dog’s nutritional needs.
Eggs provide things like:
- Iron
- Fatty Acids
- Folate
- Protein
- Riboflavin
- Selenium
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B12

Should you Feed Raw Eggs?
This seems like a good idea, and you may have heard a friend suggest it. Who remembers Sylvester Stallone drinking raw eggs in those old Rocky movies? It seems like it would be a quick way to consume calories.
There are potential dangers to raw egg consumption, however. Bacteria can grow in eggs that aren’t cooked. This is true for most things that aren’t cooked, and an even larger risk with raw meats.
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