Do you want to know how to safely clean dog toys? Are you sick and tired of that moldy, stinky Knog, but also afraid of harsh chemicals?
Antibacterial cleaning agents, like bleach, can be very dangerous if ingested! How else can you kill off those nasty bugs and have that toy squeaky clean?
How to Safely Clean Dog Toys
Your dog’s toy is almost certainly going to be in his mouth, so any cleaning agent still present will also see that mouth. You’ll need to be especially cautious around harsh chemicals!
Step One: Remove Any Large Particles
Before you can take any further steps when safely cleaning dog toys, you’ll want to remove any leftover grime, dirt, or other large deposits. Take a clean cloth and brush away any large objects that don’t belong.

- Once your dog toys are debris free, you can follow the suggestions listed below!
Dawn Dish Detergent
Dawn dish detergent isn’t just safe to use with pets, it’s actually recommended. That is, it’s recommended if you have nothing else, as an alternative to harsh products. Using Dawn as a shampoo too often can dry and eventually damage your dog’s skin, but it won’t hurt your pet if a very small amount is ingested.
Using Dawn to clean toys is something different! The dish soap will allow you to easily wash away any bacteria on these toys. Dawn doesn’t actually kill the bacteria on your dog’s toy but will help lift it, so those tiny buggers can be washed away by the water you use, a bit like human bath soap.
After washing, rinse any soap residue off the toy and allow it to dry.
clean dog toys with vinegar
White Vinegar & Water
Are you uncomfortable with the idea of your dog ingesting soapy residue? Even if you rinse that soap off well, there might still be some left. In most cases, a small amount of Dawn Dish Soap isn’t going to be harmful, but there is another alternative just in case.
Vinegar is mildly acidic, to the point that it can help dissolve grease, dirt and grime. It can even help kill off bacteria! You don’t want your dog drinking vinegar, but it is an effective cleaning solution to mix with water.
Wash away any dirt or grime with a sponge before rinsing under clean, cool water. Most will recommend a ½ water, ½ vinegar solution to clean them with.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is safe for dogs as a pet-friendly cleaner, and can be used with those tougher jobs where a more abrasive cleaner is needed to scrub off that nasty debris! Mixed with warm water and a pinch of salt, baking soda can make a scrubbing paste.
This is often used on carpets to help clean urine stains.

Dishwasher Without Detergent
Running your dishwasher on high, without any detergent, will wash your dog toys in very high water temperatures. This will effectively sanitize the toys without any harmful side effects!
Washing Machine
Many dog toys can also be washed in a washing machine! You can use baking soda with white wine vinegar for a dog-safe cleaning solution, or opt for a dog-safe laundry detergent as long as you make sure it is indeed safe for your dog.

Avoid Bleach & Other Harsh Cleaning Agents
You can’t safely clean dog toys with Bleach unless you are extremely sure to rinse the toys very thoroughly! It’s best just to not use any bleach at all and avoid the risk. If you think the toy has come into contact with a pathogen so dangerous it requires bleach to kill it, perhaps you should throw it away.
Bleach is very corrosive and can cause chemical burns inside both your dog’s oesophagus and gastrointestinal tract if consumed. Enough Bleach consumption can lead to vomiting, which may cause more burns on the way back up. Bleach poisoning requires medical attention from a veterinarian.
Ammonia can cause chemical burns to your dog’s upper respiratory system if dangerous levels of it are inhaled. Bleach mixed with ammonia can create a deadly gas, dangerous to humans and pets alike.
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- "Bleach, phenols, products with high chemical concentrations and some detergents can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and severe chemical burns (American Kennel Club)."